Kamis, 30 April 2009

Breaking into a formation

I recently was asked my opinion on what I thought about breaking into the line of a biker formation with a car. Meaning when a group of motorcyclists is riding in staggered formation, clearly riding together as a group, has a car merge into the formation. The person who asked me used to ride, so he does have a clue, and does respect bikers. He said he was following about 15 bikers riding staggered formation, on a long winding hilly road. The group of riders was going about 5 M.P.H. under the speed limit for a very long time, and were holding up quite a line of traffic behind them. It was a difficult road to pass, with little opportunities to do so. He said there were four other cars in front of him, and the opportunity came to pass, and as a group of 5 cars, they all went to pass the biker group. He said just as the other four cars made it, a vehicle was coming around the next curve, and he realized he was not going to make it. He said he could not merge back into traffic behind the group, because he was so close to the front already, and would hit the oncoming car head on if he waited that long to fall back. He said he had no choice but to turn on his right turn signal, and pray that the group of bikers would let him merge into their formation. They did, and he did. He said not so much by either of their choice, but it had to be done. He felt they would understand, and give him a break, and as first opportunity would come, he would let them resume without him in their line up. The lead biker (Lets say Road Captain) Freaked the Fuck out. (He could not confirm if this was a HOG organization, or MC, or just casual group of friends riding together. He said he thought the latter, as no one had on any colors. Anyway, the leader would not let him pass. Would not let him do anything. Every time he went to get out of there the biker sped up, and got in front of him and slowed way down to like 30 in a 55 M.P.H, zone, furthering the traffic delay they were creating in the first place. He said this went on for about 15 miles or so, before he finally turned off. I said etiquette wise, probably not wise to break biker formation. Consider it one unit, like a really long truck. Watch as most times at an intersection if a group is riding in formation, they will proceed through an intersection as if they were one vehicle. I did mention that the lead biker sounds like he had his undies in a bunch though. I would have given the guy a break.

What do you think?

Rabu, 29 April 2009


LHK as players shake MIO, NOUVO & MOTHAI always rely on other components BOLT ON. They make the front Upside down Shock, Shock Money Back, BODY KIT, carpet MIO, bolts & ACCESSORIES color anodize.

Simple but nice views biayanyapun to think big modif like this, OMC is often a motor like this, because the concept of the OMC is offered daily use, good views, and not expensive MIO MODIFICATION.

Selasa, 28 April 2009

Finest Police Cars in the World

These where some of the finest police car photo collection all over the world:

South Africa: Lamborghini Gallardo

The nearly $200,000 car was loaned to the authorities by a local Lamborghini importer to use it as an “attention-getting device” to control traffic....

UK: Lamborghini Gallardo

More Photos of
The World’s Finest Police Cars

Sabtu, 25 April 2009



Kawasaki Ninja - a radical modification of the neat and steady for oprasional.

"It looks expensive bgt, whereas if we'd be dibandingin more than Japan should modif motor, lots of crazy modif the price exceeds the price of Aprilia. but cuman doang models which all have the Aprilia Mito.Upside or down, gedhe tires, etc.. "- by Girifumi

Create crazy bro modif Girifumi assumption may be a bit much to make them mengerinyitkan forehead. But for most bikers, especially for bikers who think economically and bikers that prioritizing originality factor may very Girifumi bro assumption is correct.

Cost Factor

An example is the owner of Honda Tiger Revo (nyari safe mode-on), regardless of the cost of the average motorcycle owner modification goal was not far from the model SP NSR, Aprilia or Cagiva Mito. Even beyond the standard may modify them by replacing the light front leg into the foot upside down, the rear suspension to monshock to buy parts like fuel tank parts and the rear panel. Finally, after the modification with the cost of not less be a motor Tiger Revo is a bit like Aprilia, or SP with oddities here and there. The most severe is a radical modification of saving package style, intended to make cost savings, it is the waste and wasting time. Why? Many incidents where the motor modification costs became more expensive than the cost of buying a motor "original" that the goal of modification, is it even a strange hasilnyapun.

Originality factor

This is probably the most controversial paragraphs ever posted in INDOBIKERS. There is a question that is quite intriguing. Does the costume Barcelona numbered 14 you have to be Thierry Henry? Of course not, but certainly you have stated to anyone especially to people who see you that you are a fan or at least sympathizers of the former king of Arsenal. Bahakan if Thierry Henry "original" yes definitely saw you too will smile with you. But by installing fairing Yamaha R1 on the Tiger Revo you, and you happen to run into a real Yamaha R1 would certainly different situations. Maybe nothing happened seemingly anything but actually the driver will only R1 confusion with which you ride motorcycles, often bahakan who scorn it out in the mind of the driver R1 "authentic" is. Besides, whether by using R1 and the fairing you may be necessarily anggot club R1? Unfortunately it's not going to happen but certainly you will lose motor identity.

Creativity without borders

Modifying the motor is the development of creativity without boundaries. But the best pure goal is to modify the original idea, do not imitate or trace moge existing, let alone trace CBU motor sport that costs not much (about the same cost-red) than the price of your own bike. What is clear radical modification of the motor is generally less suitable for daily use. Because like any of the conditions most appropriate motor standarlah used for daily oprasional. If still want to modify the bike but with the condition should be used as a vehicle steadily oprasional daily, the best option is to make minor modifications. Changing tires, veld handlebar and the front or Menganti sockbreaker color and striping pattern into the most appropriate choice. Good luck!

Jumat, 24 April 2009

JUPITER Modif Motor Cycle Unique and Creatif

It is a picture Motor Modif or Modification from Yamaha Jupiter Z.
It's very amazing because the colour of paint is very lightening. i like it.
what is your opinion about this picture modification jupiter..??
do you like it..??

In the second picture, it is Modification from Yamaha too.
it is very nice an unique. You can follow this modification to practice in your motor cycle.
hihiiii. if you have much money, you can make more better than this modification.

wow very amazing and very interesting.
very creatif to make concept modif and modification.

Rabu, 22 April 2009

Biker joke - The crusty old biker

A crusty old biker out on a long summer ride in the country pulls up to a tavern in the middle of nowhere,
parks his bike and walks inside.

As he passes through the swinging doors, he sees a sign hanging over the bar that reads:

COLD BEER: $2.00




HAND JOB: $50.00

Checking his wallet to be sure he has the necessary payment, the ole' biker walks up to the bar and beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender who is serving drinks to a couple of
sun-wrinkled farmers.

She glides down behind the bar to the ole biker.

"Yes?" she inquires with a wide, knowing smile, "may I help you?"

The ole biker leans over the bar, "I was wondering young lady," he whispers, "are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?"

She looks into his eyes with that wide smile and purrs "Why yes, yes, I sure am".

The ole' biker leans closer and into her left ear whispers softly, "Well, wash your hands real good,

‘cause I want a cheeseburger".

Senin, 20 April 2009

Custom paint repairs

Another recent project that I worked on was a repair to a gas tank, and a cracked fender weld. Blending into existing custom paint.

Click on the image below to watch YouTube Video with step by step photos.

Honda Elite 2009

If the Honda SH150i’s $4,599 price triggers sticker shock, the more affordable Elite might offer an appealing alternative. Priced at $2,999, the Elite is a third less expensive than the SH150i (with an engine that’s roughly a third smaller, too)—but like any bike, it’s got its own individual pluses and minuses.

I tested the Elite by criss-crossing over 50 miles of gridlock infested Los Angeles streets, and have a few thoughts on whether or not this 108cc scooter might work for you.Downsizing can yield great benefits, and the Honda Elite is a prime example of what can be gained from selective loss. Thanks to its liquid cooled, fuel injected 108cc engine, the saved space enables a considerably larger underseat storage area—35 liters to be precise, which is big enough to swallow two full face helmets, a notable improvement over the SH150i’s skimpy compartment. The Elite also gains a map box just beneath the instrument panel and a handy ignition key lock. Improved fuel economy is also another boon to the smaller package, and the Elite produces over 100 mpg based on EPA emissions testing. Curb weight is 254 pounds, 48 pounds less than the SH150i. Honda Elite 2009.

But something’s gotta give somewhere, and the Elite’s top speed is a little over 50 mph (versus the SH150i’s 65 mph.) Due to its sub-150cc status, the Elite isn’t freeway legal (at least in California), and while 50 mph is plenty fast for surface streets, the Elite immediately gets nixed if interstates happen to be a part of your riding routine.

Also notable are its small tires, which measure 10 inches at the rear and 12 inches up front—a significant drop from the SH150i’s 16-inchers… but more on that later. The Elite is equipped with a rear-to-front linked braking system and a parking brake, and available accessories include a top case which allows 27 extra liters of storage ($143.95), and a tall windshield ($189.95.) Also included is a transferrable one year, unlimited mileage warranty.

The Ride: City Street Manners,
The Elite’s saddle sits 29.1 inches above ground, and like the SH150i it only comes with a center stand (as opposed to a conventional side stand.) But lighter weight makes it less of a hassle to push off and get going—though you’ll also notice the scooter’s more compact proportions when you try to finagle room for your feet on the floorboard. It can take a bit of maneuvering for tall riders to get their feet, butt, and upper body positioned just right, and the Elite’s ergonomics are certainly biased towards in-town jaunts rather than longer distance rides.

Lane-splitting this little ride allows for fearless (but potentially risky) maneuvers that couldn’t otherwise be performed on a larger scooter or motorcycle. Acceleration isn’t most impressive right off the line, but it quickly spools up as momentum is increased. More impressive than the Elite’s “Go” is its “Stop”: the linked brakes feel strong, and their abilities make it tempting to go faster than you ought to in traffic. Likewise, the ten and twelve inch wheels add an element of darty maneuverability, though at higher speeds it takes a steady hand to keep the Elite along the intended trajectory. The chassis doesn’t feel quite as insulated as the SH150i’s, and road irregularities are transmitted more jarringly through the wheels and suspension.

More a nimble traffic jouster than a high-speed cruising machine, the Elite is well suited to the surface streets it’s relegated to due to its engine displacement.
The Bottom Line: A Zip and a Smile
Comparisons between the Elite and its stablemate the SH150i are inevitable, and choosing between the two depends entirely on your needs. The Elite isn’t freeway ready, but it does offer a slightly more maneuverable riding experience while slicing and dicing through traffic. The increased storage space is one welcome benefit of the smaller engine, but the bike’s clanky response to bumps are a not-so-gentle reminder of its diminutive suspension components and down-spec’d chassis. Looking outside the Honda brand, the Yamaha Zuma 125 offers slightly more displacement for the same price, but the Elite’s smoother flowing styling cues will likely steal some sales thunder from the quirky looking Yamaha.

After 50 miles of city riding, I returned the Elite with a grin on my face and a fuel gauge that only dipped down a couple of clicks. The Elite earns 3.5 out of 5 stars (which ties it with the SH150i), mainly since its advantages are counterbalanced by a few disadvantages. But budget-minded buyers who don’t need a freeway commuter will find that the $2,999 Elite is exactly what we seek in the scooter genre: sensible, efficient, and reliable two-wheeled transportation that can get us from point A to B with a zip and a smile Honda Elite 2009.

Minggu, 19 April 2009

2009 Spring Flood Run

Couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather. It was an awesome ride with some beautiful scenery.

Here's a few Pics.

Warming up my bike in the morning getting ready to roll.

The starting point at the Beach Bar, The Bikes rolling in.

Retired St. Paul, MN Police Chief Finny's Indian Chief Motorcycle.

A nice Old Skool

A Gene Simmons KISS Bike!

A dog or a log?? Maybe a log dog.

Beautiful Lake Pepin.

Kamis, 16 April 2009

One of my latest projects.

I know I've been absent as of late, and to those who might actually enjoy my ramblings, jokes, pictures, etc. I apologize. I've been swamped with the usual everyday life things, and then trying to accomplish three projects simultaneously. Here is one of the three. The rest will follow when completed, and I find time to breathe and post them.

This was a bike that the owner bought a custom racing kit for, and then bought a used gas tank and wanted the graphics custom painted to seamlessly tie in with the existing. I had some pretty shoddy photos of the original racing bike to work with, but It turned out just like the original.

Here she is. Click on the photo below to watch video of start to finish.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Nissan GTR Modification 2009

Earlier this week when we said than Porsche shows Nissan Modification to cheat, more exactly the GTR could not pack a covering on the racecourse of Nurburgring (Nordschleife) as Juste 7 minutes and 29 seconds. In order to show this Porsche Nissan standard GTR bought, brought it to the German racecourse and the surprise left: the GTR packed covering in 7 minutes and 54 seconds, with more than 25 seconds more than the covering packed by the driver of Nissan.

After this, the answer came from Nissan which was completely simple: We will not enter a flamewar with Porsche. The final word of us is that it was made on the absolutely standard tires which are at the disposal of the customers in the showroom. The normal tires of road of Dunlop, that come with the car! the European spokesperson Neil Reeve from Nissan known as.

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Hyundai Nuvis Concept

The Hyundai Nuvis concept (hybrid drivetrain) is destined for the next-generation Sonata...

As a parallel hybrid, the Nuvis can be driven in all-electric mode, gasoline-engine-only mode as well as any combination thereof. Engine management software automatically shuts off the gasoline engine when the Nuvis comes to a stop, improving overall fuel mileage and providing zero emissions, while Hyundai's Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) restarts the engine once pressure is applied to the accelerator pedal.

The Nuvis is notable for two reasons: First, its hybrid drive train will find its way into the next-generation Hyundai Sonata, and second, Hyundai says the concept's styling hints at what the Santa Fe's replacement could look like.

Hyundai's Hybrid Blue Drive architecture combines a 2.4-liter 4-cylinder (known as the Theta II) with a 30- kW electric motor, the last also producing 151 lb.-ft. of torque. The total estimated output of 228 bhp is put to the road via a 6-speed automatic transmission. Hyundai says the Nuvis's lithium polymer batteries, which are stored underneath the trunk floor, are more durable and space efficient than nickel-metal hydride and lithium- ion versions.

Detailed stories at Hyundai Nuvis Concept

Jumat, 10 April 2009

really cool murals, and bathrooms

These are not motorcycle related, but I could not pass up sharing these with you!


On the tenth floor of a hi-rise building.....
You open the door...
Would this mess up your mind? Would you be able to walk in to this bathroom? Or do anything else?

Another Awesome Toilet

This is a picture of a public toilet in Houston :

Now that you've seen the outside view, take a look at the inside view...
It's made entirely of one-way glass!
No one can see you from the outside, but when
you are inside it's like sitting in a clear glass box!
Now would you... COULD YOU....?

Minggu, 05 April 2009

Modification of Yamaha X1R

kawasaki fury 125 ccmotorcycle yamaha X1R picture is also from the forum I get modifications in the Philippines. turns out there is different from the motor that is in indonesia, the name. but in body shape and construction remain the same only the name that distinguishes it from the motor only. we see only motor yamaha X1R it the same as the yamaha Jupiter MX in indonesia. funds kawasaki fury like a 125 cc Suzuki Satria 150 cc. which is the comparison between yamaha x1R rand kawasaki fury 125 cc's is a form of body. problems and good speed I think yamaha X1R than kawasaki fury 125 and relatively the same.
kawasaki fury 125yamaha XIR modificationyamaha X1R picture

Jumat, 03 April 2009

2009 Donnie Smith Bike show

In my opinion, these were the best bikes there. I'm a bit of a bobber fan.

I didn't even bother taking pics of all of the extreme bikes.
Some of the choppers now days are getting so long, so low, so covered up in plastic, fiberglass, sheet metal, what have you, and then being over done in themes that they don't hardly even resemble bikes anymore.

They make me sick. I wanted to vomit at the site of most of them. Thus not even worthy of photographing in my opinion.

I really like the bobber, because it brings you back to the basics of what I think a bike is.
This first red one here The "Retro Rocket" was built by Kings Of Custom Mid-States Power Sports.
It was truly a work of art, and the paint is nonetheless satisfying to look at.

The next four bikes are all Sucker Punch Sally's

And the last one "Green With Envy" A wicked old school, I forgot to get the builder, Sorry.

Click Here to go to my YouTube video and see them. Enjoy the eye candy!

How many things can you spot in this picture that are just Plain wrong?

I'll give you some hints.

1) There is a red arrow in the photo. That doesn't belong there.

2) They are wearing sandals and flip flops. They might get wind burn on their toes if they ride too fast.

3) Her purse is not black leather, which is almost a must if you are going to carry one on a motorcycle!

4) Their helmets don't match the bike.

Uh, I could go on and on!

But seriously folks, Can you believe this! What a bunch of Mucking Forons!

Rabu, 01 April 2009

I'm back in town.

Hey all, I'm home, and hopefully will be able to stay here for a while. Relief was sent in from our company with fresh adjusters. If the dikes don't do their job, I will likely be going back. I checked my Google reader, and I have nearly 300 unread posts. I must apologize, and inform you there is no way I will ever get caught up. I will likely have to mark all as read and start fresh. Now I am about a weeks worth of "work" behind. I must get caught up on that first. In the mean time, Take care all.